Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Shippin' Up to Cape Cod

We're here, we've made it, we survived- welcome to Wood's Hole!

The last leg of our journey (~6 hours) filled the first part of the day. The afternoon was spent unpacking our lab equipment in our ocean-view MBL laboratory as well as our personals in our various living accommodations. Heather (boss lady) is sharing a cottage with Emma, the researcher from Willamette University with whom we are collaborating. Nick (a.k.a. Peep #1...can you guess who Peep #2 is?) is stuck in Drew House, which houses 16 dudes every summer against their will. It's a bit...sparse, but quite spacious. Meanwhile, I have a dorm room in Ebert Hall, which is of typical size but has a nice view of Eel Pond.

All of the above will be photographed when the sun comes up. At present, I'm a bit too lazy to do it justice with words. However, I do have some fun shots from Pam's and George's house. In retrospect, I should have snapped a few of Pam and George, but alas, I did not.


Pam's brilliant hand-made sushi clock. The wasabi at 8'o'clock was purchased by Heather while she was in Tokyo. The rest was obtained through eBay. She really needs to make more and sell these, but she would need a reliable supplier of fake plastic foods.

George's super cool corkscrew. The fishy stretches and the cork comes out!

Now begins the wildlife fun. Let's start with a lovely mourning dove....

.......throw in a chipmunk or three......

......maybe a few hummingbirds to spice things up......

(good thing I brought some almonds.....this poor little guy was risking starvation)

.....and finally, what would a wildlife watch be without a squirrel or two?

With enough nuts to go around, we can all get along!


I mean, srsly.

That's all for now. Next post should include pictures of dorms, laboratories, waterways, and WOOD'S HOLE!!!

P.S. Happy Birthday, Brian! I love you and miss you SOOOO much!

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