Thursday, June 3, 2010

Two Days or Two Decades?

Good mornin'.

Lordy....I've been here two full days now, but it feels like years. There's a lot to take in, so forgive me if I forget something. A picture's worth a thousand words, so I'll try to let them do the talking.

View from my window in Ebert. Eel Pond. 5:30 AM

My dorm room in Ebert Hall. Note the empty bed; my roommate (Hannah) does not arrive until June 12th.

The ever awesome sink in my room.

Ebert Hall from the outside. Eel Pond was behind me. My windows are second floor, far left.

Lillie Building

Rowe Laboratory. Our lab is on the second floor of this building. It's where the majority of my time will be spent.

The very small beach across from Rowe. There's the harbor.......

The infamous "Wood's Hole" (the pile of rocks in the water). This is what the town is named for. It's extremely difficult to navigate, and boats tend to get stuck on the rocks quite frequently in the summer (especially if the driver is some rich tourist who can't drive her or his expensive boat to save the world).

A Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) dock.

WHOI research vessel. These boats are so badass that I might pirate one by the end of summer.

WHOI building.

The now out-of-business Woods Hole Market. You'd think that the only grocery store for six miles would do pretty well in a town full of rich tourists........I shudder to think of the fool in charge of finances.

View from the drawbridge that is suspended over the connection between Eel Pond and the harbor.

Ferry to Martha's Vineyard. I'll have to try it while I'm out here......

Note that the $20 sign is removable. You know how deep into summer you are based on the price.

The coffee shop.

I was quite intrigued by this......

Toto, we're not in Kansas anymore.

Swope Hall, where I take my meals. While I took this, Ebert Hall was directly behind me. Food is literally across the street from home.

Dining hall!

Beware- the ever ominous Drew House. Gasp in fear at its dilapidated form.......

Poor Nick has to live here, while I get to live in Ebert Hall. Funny story, though. The first morning that we arrived, Josh Hamilton visited our lab to welcome us. He's the Head Honcho around here, so it was quite a surprise. Heather, staying true to form and loyal to her peeps, immediately went Peepzilla and chewed him out for the discrepancies between the ways her two students were being treated. It was rather hilarious to watch him register what she was saying and offer to see what he could do. Then she thanked him for the lab and he went on his merry way.

Nick's living quarters. Quite spacious, but.......

The three jankity dressers in his room (and the desk that I helped him "borrow" from one of the empty rooms).

Mold on the window covers. Nick does not approve. Neither would the Massachusetts Department of Public Health.......

The Drew House basement. AKA the next episode of Ghost Hunters.

Icky un-private shower stalls. I'm sorry, Nick!

Note the duct tape holding the walls of the stall together.

Our Super Awesome Amazing Cool Ocean View Laboratory!!!!!
(you have no idea how lucky this is)

Time to set up the rest of the equipment.
(No, this is not a finished product)

*SIGH* It's been a loooooooooooong two days. Lots of work. Our axolotls came in today, and I think I'm going to get some pictures of them for my next post or so. Updates will continue, but I hope you've enjoyed what I've posted so far.


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